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Honors Day 2019

Success does not happen overnight, as cliché as it may sound. Ellen G. White could be quoted as saying, “Success is not the result of chance or of destiny; it is the outworking of God’s own providence, the reward of faith and discretion, of virtue and persevering effort”.

On August 7, 2019, 420 outstanding students representing 8 respective schools were rewarded with academic excellence for the 2ndSemester of the Academic Year 2018-2019, and became the spotlight of this momentous event. There were 10 students from the School of Arts and Sciences; 51 students from the School of Theology; 2 students from the School of Automotive Technology; 43 students from the School of Education; 88 students from the School of Business and Accountancy; 9 students from the School of Agriculture; 5 students from the School of Computing; 80 students from the School of Nursing; and 132 students from the School of Medical Technology.

Everyone was enthusiastic for the aforementioned event. Together with the faculty and staff, each student walked with pride as the ceremony, which marks the fruit of their labor, took place at Mountain View College Alumni Church.

Indeed, people who invest a good seed will reap a good harvest in the long run. With the nourishment of the fruit of the Spirit and constant communication with the One who Provides, He will grant you the desires of your heart. God said in 1 Corinthians 3:8 that, “Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.”

MVCians, let us move forward and persevere!


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College Heights, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines


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