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Espenido Speaks at Vespers Program

Vespers program on the evening of Friday, July 13, 2018, at the MVC Alumni Church, was no ordinary service. Coordinated by the Guidance Office of the college, the worship began melodiously with various musical renditions by musical groups and choirs here at MVC. The Mountain View College Academy, directed by Jordan Bapts Tabenas, played their angklungs accompanied by other instruments. Various instruments were played that evening - from angklungs, violings, to bells and saxophones. There were solo, duet, and group renditions by both students and faculty members. The Hilltop Chamber Orchestra, directed by Jay Ligsay, then played their choir of instruments to end the mini concert.

Then came the main part. With the church filled with students, faculty, and visitors, the college president, Dr. Gladden O. Flores, introduced the much awaited Police/Chief Inspector Jovie R. Espenido, one of the country’s most renowned figures in the war against drugs. His message was certainly one many anticipated.

Espenido began his message with the importance of living a principled life. He reminded the parents, in particular, who are the first influencers of society, to be deeply rooted in right principles so as to influence and teach their children those same principles. “Walk the talk,” “live what you say,” he further added. And to the students, he encouraged them to adapt a principled life.

As the audience was predominantly student attendees, Espenido had much warnings, reminders, and exhortations for them to seriously consider as students and as young adults of this generation. Firstly, he warned against curiosity and what he calls “testing.” He says that experimenting or “testing” in forbidden “perimeters of life” to satisfy one’s curiosity will lead to adverse consequences of the mind, body, and spiritual life. Such consequences and shame is not worth it. He shared stories and cases of other people’s mistakes to support his point and in his attempt to greatly warn students of the dangers of drugs. He asserts that one should never try, “not even once, for every addiction begins with a ‘first time.’”

Following were some crucial and serious reminders. He states, “be reminded of your purpose here at MVC – to study and to finish your studies.” He adds, “You still have higher heights to reach.” One should not waste it all because of drugs. What a tragedy it is to enter into substance addiction at the expense of one’s educational pursuit and aspirations. He then directed the students’ thoughts to consider their parents. The sacrifices parents make. Their financial and prayerful support for the sake of their son or daughter’s success. He reiterates, “Do not waste all of these.” Moreover, it’s not just drugs that one should be aware of. Alcohol, cigarette, and unwise relationships – these may be hindrances to students.

In ending, Espenido expressed some gracious wishes for the students of MVC. “I wish that my God is the same as your God. I hope that your stay here will not be a waste. I hope your parents’ support do not end.” And lastly, an emphasis of his message and his prayer for students of MVC is that they “may be principled in the Lord.”

The evening excitingly ended with people in attendance flocking their way to the front to take a picture with Chief Inspector Jovie R. Espenido.


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College Heights, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines


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