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Welcome Home Sulads

Started as a Student Missionary Program of Mountain View College (MVC) which began in the late 1960s. What really started the movement was a vision of two different men from two different worlds. God chose them to be the spark of this soon-to-be-successful missionary foundation. As time goes by they changed the name to SULADS, which translates to the Manobo dialect as Brother or Sister. A fitting name to the group that God blessed to reach out to our brothers in the mountains, to share the love of God.

On June 24 2018, Mountain View College catered the 50th anniversary of the group which originally formed here. The theme is “rekindling the spirit of the pioneers”. The group stayed at MVC from Sunday to Sunday. But this anniversary was not like any other. They did not just stay in the campus, but they did what they do best - to help others.

Their week was packed with well-planned activities including registration, a free clinic in Sto. Domingo to offer their help to the community there, an acquaintance night to get to know their brothers and sisters in service here and abroad. They bonded and shared experiences and stories of God’s love while they work in the field.

They greeted Monday morning with the parade and opening ceremony. During the parade everyone showcased the beauty of the place they came from. In the afternoon they had tribal exhibits and proudly presented the products and works of the tribes. Ranging from simple trinkets to complicated weavings.

Tuesday morning was packed with kindling stories and testimonies from the different SULADS mission and they also had tribute and recognition. Afternoon was allotted for their sports fest games. In the evening they did the part 2 of the cultural presentation, featuring Canada and the Philippines from the NCMC and NEMM.

Wednesday morning was the finale of the cultural presentation with the Missions from the Philippines namely, ZPM-Mindoro, DM, SMM, and Luzon. A workshop for personal grooming and development was also done that day.

The SULADS left MVC on Thursday and headed out to the mission schools to give their assistance and love. This helped them to remember the happiness in seeing a child smile and say thank you. How it soothes your heart then you see their eyes sparkle with hope. The melodious laughter as they would laugh with happiness and contentment. This activity not only gave them the energy to do their missionary work but also it gave them the time to thank the Lord for leading them to this service to give thanks to God for giving them this kind of happiness that you can’t find anywhere and from anything but only from serving and helping others.

Friday morning, they came back to MVC from the mission schools they visited. A general assembly and a welcoming the Sabbath program was done, which culminated with a foot-washing ceremony to show humility and servant leadership. The vespers program at alumni church included the singing of songs and more. To close the vespers, there was a dedication and the naming of the Datus and the Baes. It was a sight to see.

The Sabbath program was a rare event. They did not disappoint the congregation with the amazing program planned. In the afternoon, they had the parade of tribes, the stories of the history of SULADS, and the awarding and recognition program. In the evening, nothing is ever good as closing an Anniversary with a SULADS social night.

On Sunday morning, it was finally time to go home. With their faith and passion rekindled, they faced forward with confidence, with their spirits of service quenched by the works they did that week. They dream on to the future and pray for the best for their missions and for the SULADS as a whole. They came here to rekindle the spirit and they left as a bright burning beacon, ready to lead the lost to the feet of God. We pray for our brothers and sisters of the ministry and know that our prayers will follow you wherever you go. For in God, we are ONE.

Credits to Florence Dale Delos Reyes for the extensive information.

(c) Deonnel Peren | Facebook


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College Heights, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines


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