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MVC Takes Part in Dangerous Drug Awareness and Prevention Week

August 9, 2010 marked the start of "Dangerous Drug Awareness and Prevention Week” of Mountain View College. The program’s very first activity was the fun run lead by the college’s Guidance Department. With the theme “Listen First: Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe,” the participants of the said event were inspired through the devotional message of Mr. Winston P. Mojica. Participated by a total number of 65 students coming from the college and elementary department, they all run around the campus along the Engineering drive, Malingon drive, Korean village, Pines drive, the road by the dorms of Pearl and Amethyst, and back to the flag poles where the finish line is. Aside from keeping the activity inside the campus, safety was doubled through the faculty members who served as guides and the presence of the Lilingayon Emergency Care Response Unit.

Winners of the event will be receiving cash prizes according to their respective categories. For men: First- 300 pesos; Second-250 pesos; Third-200 pesos. For women: First-250 pesos; Second- 200 pesos; Third- 150 pesos. For boys and girls: First-250 pesos; Second-200 pesos; Third- 150 pesos.

Programs and activities for drug awareness month will continue until the 12th of August, with more exciting activities like social night for both faculty and students, and the fun run winners’ awarding ceremony.

(c) Ester P. Mojica | FB Post


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College Heights, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines


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