SBA Attends BFJPIA Annual Convention
Do you love numbers? Probably not. But if you are a mathematician, then give me that resounding YES! Mathematicians. Name it. Engineers, math majors, what else? Of course, the business people. Last Sunday, April 2, 2017, the future accountants or shall we say future Certified Public Accountants (to make it sound better) from different colleges of Bukidnon gathered together to take part in the 10th Bukidnon Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (BFJPIA) Annual Convention held at San Isidro College with the theme, "Keeping Balance in Unity."
The assembly officially started the night of April 1, but for some reasons the MVCians under the BSA department with some BSAcT students went there on the morrow. The program started at around 8:00 in the morning. The activities have both the academics and non-academics.
Under the academics are the subject to be taken during the CPA board exam, and these are the following: FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting), AFAR (Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting), Auditing, MAS (Management Advisory Services), RFBT (Regulatory Framework for Business Transactions), and Taxation. Each of these subjects has a quiz ball.
These are the results: 1.CUP 2(AFAR)- 3rd place, Ena Gen Tripoli 2.CUP 4(RFBT)- 1st place, Anne Lorrheine Casanos 3.CUP 6(Taxation)-3rd place, Jude Michael Alug 4.CUP 7(All board exam subjects)- 2nd place, Anne Lorrheine Casanos, Charles Erick Garcia and Emiliano Singco III (by threes).
Of course, let us not forget the Non-academics. The results are as follows: 1.E-poster Making- 1st place, Ciresthian Alfed Baal 2.Extemporaneous Speaking- 1st place, Lourdes Pacita Montalvan 3.Basketball- 2nd place 4.Volleyball- 3rd place 5.Pera o Kahon- Kirk Ponce de Leon. For the overall results: Champion- Central Mindanao University (CMU), 1st runner up- Bukidnon State University (BukSU), 2nd runner up- Mountain View College (MVC), 3rd runner up- San Isidro College (SIC).
It was indeed a fun and memorable event. You may think of it as a failure for the title of being the champion wasn't awarded to MVC, but do you still remember what our recent student week of devotion final topic was? Yes! There is victory over failure.
Congratulations to all the winners of the different contests and kudos to all who participated the event! Your efforts and participation is truly appreciated. God speed!